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Belly of the Beast Impact Campaign

Ran the existing impact campaign of Belly of the Beast, an Emmy award winning documentary by Erika Cohn

I joined the Belly of the Beast impact team once they had already made incredible strides towards raising awareness of the forced sterilizations of women incarcerated in California State Prisons, and winning passage of AB 1007, a bill that compensates these survivors. My job is to continue this impactful work by keeping the momentum behind the reparations campaign, finding new audiences for the film and its message, and assisting with partnership outreach.

I research current press related to mass incarceration, prison abolition and reproductive justice, and amplify those stories by crafting social media content and graphics to share with the film's followers.

I attend weekly strategy meetings with the Incarcerated Reproductive Justice Coalition to stay connected to the film's partners and help further the reparations campaign to find survivors of forced sterilizations in California state prisons, and help them apply for the compensation.

I help author grant proposals to continue funding the impact campaign and the outreach to sterilization survivors.

Social Media Work Samples




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